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Bucks DA Champion’s Network

The Domestic Abuse Champion Network approach was developed in Oxfordshire by Reducing the Risk and from its success was subsequently rolled out across Buckinghamshire.

The approach was conceived as a means of empowering front-line staff from a range of services to work together to improve the accessibility and quality of support for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. It was prompted by the need for:

  • Safe early intervention: Increasing the confidence and competence of front-line generalist staff to identify and respond safely and effectively to victims of abuse; preventing harm and risk escalation; reducing the average number of services a victim contacts before getting the help they need (the current national average is five – Safe Lives).
  • Services to work together: Particularly in light of the findings of serious case reviews that a key factor for effective safeguarding is coordinated practice – the safety of adults and children at risk depends vitally on practitioners working together and sharing information.
  • Victims, including those with complex needs, being able to easily access all the resources they need both for safety and recovery.
  • A means of providing ongoing support for practitioners to enhance their practice and ensure they are regularly updated.
  • Added value: building on and maximising the potential of existing resources.


The Buckinghamshire Network was established in 2015 and has a rapidly growing membership. The network provides:

  • Free domestic abuse training over 2 consecutive days
  • Free admittance to quarterly network meetings where nationally renowned guest speakers build on existing knowledge.
  • A monthly news bulletin
  • Access to a data base of champions to share best practice and expertise.

For more information, click on our leaflet.


To join the Buckinghamshire Network and sign up for training click here.